Roll up your sleeves, don your wellies and have a fun day whacking weeds and fixing fences with ECV. They have two days scheduled for 2020.
Sunday 23 February – Trent Park Nature Trail
- Meet 10am at the Council Depot, at the bottom of Snakes Lane, by the Wildlife Rescue Centre and café EN4 0PS.
It’s been a very long time since ECV cut back the sycamore re-growth in the Nature Trail. The area opposite the wildlife rescue café is ripe for attention.
Sunday 22 March – Camlet Moat, Trent Park
- Meet 10am at the main entrance to the Moat (by the 5 bar gate). Parking at Hadley Road car park.
The moat now seems like ECV’s equivalent of the Forth Road Bridge. However much is dredged out, it can still look like nothing has been done. So back they come!
Enfield Conservation Volunteers is open to anyone aged 16 or over in good health.
Please bring:
• working clothes and sound footwear
• waterproofs if wet
• a pair of gloves
• refreshments and a packed lunchAll volunteer projects will commence at the meeting place at 10.00 am and finish by about 3.30 pm
We provide.
• supervision and training
• tools and equipmentNo skills or experience are required as training will be provided for all aspects of the work. The aim of the projects is to carry out practical improvements while enjoying yourself, so work at your own pace.
For further information please contact: Judy Mayo on 07791473844
or email find information on the Enfield Conservation Volunteers website:
Or follow us on Facebook: