The Parks Department have scheduled a long list of repairs and remediation after the big events in August. Over the next few weeks you can expect to see:
Replacement of the three damaged bollards – two on Limes Avenue and one at the Cockfosters Road entrance. There is a four week lead on the completion of these works.
The wildflower meadow on the north side of the Cockfosters Road Entrance has been cut in line with Higher Level Stewardship [HLS] standards and the area which was used as a holding bay has been harrowed. There is still a high stone content there, so more treatment and over seeding will be done. The area will be fenced off with green barrier fencing to prevent footfall.
After these works the wooden bollards along this area will be replaced and/or straightened.
The newly planted trees running along the rear of the events field have been inspected. Some of the stakes have been broken so protection isn’t in place, and they will be re-staked and any losses will be replaced during the autumn.
Divots and dips which have been caused by the shield installation will be backfilled by hand with certificated soil and good sward amenity seed
Damage to areas of the events fields that no longer have grass cover will be remediated and re-seeded. All repairs where practically possible will be fenced off with the green barrier fencing.
Areas which suffered through the track-matting will be rolled out.
A natural seaweed application will be used over the entire events field to stimulate root and grass growth and assist in repairing wounds in the grass growth.
5 replacement lime trees will be planted along the avenue during November 2019.
The repairs to the gates and pillars are being organised.
All the above will take some time to complete and for the ground to fully recover but we are pleased this year’s damage is being repaired and hope it can be prevented in the future.