The Council is revising its park events strategy and a public survey is available for comment until February 14. This is one of the few opportunities for public participation in the much-needed revision, so please take the time to reply. As you know, Trent Park and the surrounding area have suffered badly in recent years from over-large events and this is your chance to say what sort of events you think are appropriate and what has gone wrong in the past.
The survey is here: Survey It does require referring back to the current strategy and that link is a bit iffy so we have put the document on the website and you can read it here. Parks-Information-Enfield Parks Event Strategy 2017-2022(5) Questions 5, 6, 9 and 10 can probably be answered without referring back [although they don’t allow much space for your comments!] so please dive in!
It’s very important to let the Council know what we think about this issue. Thanks for your support!